NephMadness 2015: Obstetric • Second Round Results

sFlt1 in Preeclampsia vs ACOG BP Goal <160/110 in Preeclampsia
sFlt1 in Preeclampsia

6-1 split

sFlt1 holds promise not just as a diagnostic test but as a possible treatment target. That makes it winner and ushers it in to the sweet 16. From the blue-ribbon panel (BRP): “How cool is sFlt1? And the possibility of removing it. What is more devastating than losing a baby, that might be prevented. I Love sFLT1.” And, “The physiology of sFlt is on a roll, and makes this an intimidating presence in the field.”

CKD due to Preeclampsia vs Pregnancy in ESRD
Winner: Pregnancy in ESRD

4-3 split

Everyone seems to be enchanted with the contemporary registries showing better maternal and fetal survival in dialysis. The BRP certainly thought so, “ is a very exciting and scary thing to encounter, but so rewarding when after months of 5-6 times a week dialysis you have a successful delivery, if lucky enough. It really takes a team to pull that off!”

“This is a tough one, but with the newer daily home dialysis regimens whether nightly or not, I think we are going to see more pregnancy (more physiologic endocrine environment, just wait and see or so I would predict…) and the ability to really increase clearance, I have to go with Pregnancy in dialysis.”

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